会社概要 - [公式]カマタメイクアップスクール

Company information

"Kamada morphological analysis theory" raised in 1987
Thirty years since then, many women'sI have offered the best beautiful ever.
It is more beautiful tomorrow than today.For every day I think so ...

Company information

Company name Kamata Make-Up School Co., Ltd.
Establishment Established as Shu Uemura Makeup School, Inc. on December 22, 1983 (Showa 58)
1999 (Heisei 11) September 16 Co., Ltd. Face Analysis Company name changed to Kamata Juku
2006 (Heisei era 2006) December 10 Company name changed to Kamaita makeup school Co., Ltd.
Capital 10 million yen
location 〒151-0051 東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷2-39-3 千駄ヶ谷ホリタン323
phone 03-5843-0793(代表)
FAX 03-5843-0794
Officer Makoto Kamada President and Representative Director
Business content Management of makeup school / Administration of makeup salon / Sales of cosmetics / cosmetic tools
Bank SMBC Aoyama Branch
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Omotesando branch